Programs customized to your companion’s needs.
Most veterinary hospitals in Colorado Springs offer vaccinations. The difference at Polo Springs Veterinary Hospital is that we customize an immunization program for your companion’s specific needs.
It can be difficult to know what questions to ask your veterinarian about vaccinations, especially considering the multitude of vaccine products available and the differences between brands in terms of design, safety, and efficacy. With rapid changes in disease prevalence and vaccine technology, you can count on the veterinarians at Polo Springs Veterinary Hospital to research all of the vaccines on the market, and only select superior products for your pet.
There are significant differences between vaccinations, and it is critical that the manufacturing, shipping, and storage of vaccinations be done properly so they will adequately protect your pet. Many of the vaccines that our companions need are composed of modified live viruses that may be destroyed if handled improperly. If that happens, the vaccine will be ineffective, thereby putting your pet at risk of acquiring a potentially life-threatening infection. These are just a few of the reasons why it is so important for your companion to only be vaccinated by a veterinarian who researches and understands these issues.
Vaccinations We Offer
At Polo Springs, we do not support a “one size fits all” vaccine approach, but believe it is our duty to take the time at your appointment to evaluate your companion’s immunization needs, taking into consideration their age, current immune and health status, lifestyle, the likelihood of travel outside Colorado Springs, and exposure risk. Following a thorough physical examination performed by one of our veterinarians, and after consultation with you, we are then able to design a customized immunization program that will provide your companion with the necessary and optimum protection.
Call us at (719) 264-8384 today to schedule your pet's vaccination exam!