Preventive Dental Care
Routine dental care matters.
Periodontal disease is the most common disease in pets in Colorado Springs. If your pet has bad breath, it is likely they are suffering from this serious ailment. Periodontal disease is a chronic and painful infection of the mouth, and if left untreated, it is progressive. More than 85% of dogs and cats older than four years of age have periodontal disease. This disease represents a major threat to our companions, as it not only serves as a source of pain to our pets but also as a pathway to life-threatening disorders that affect their liver, kidneys, brain, and heart. Because of this, veterinary dental experts believe that keeping your pet’s mouth healthy over their lifespan may add, on average, three to five years to their life.
Pain and infection in a pet’s mouth are no less worthy of treatment than pain and infection in any other part of their body. Unfortunately, the more advanced periodontal disease becomes, the more risk to your pet’s vital organs and the more extensive the dental work needed to treat the problem. These are a few of the main reasons why it is wise to have your companion’s teeth professionally cleaned on a regular basis.
Before and After Dental Cleaning at Polo Springs Veterinary Hospital
Animals with dental disease don’t always display obvious signs of a problem. While the overwhelming majority of them have bad breath, affected pets will oftentimes continue to eat their dry food and appear to act quite normal despite the pain they are experiencing. Frequently we have pet owners report to us that their pet has started to lose weight, slow down a little, or change their grooming habits (cats). Surprisingly, in many cases, the cause of these symptoms is a result of their painful and infected mouths. Once we are able to successfully address their dental disease they become more energetic and playful, begin regular grooming habits so their skin and hair improve, and gain some much-needed weight. Following treatment of periodontal disease, it is not uncommon for us to hear that our patients are acting like a puppy or kitten again. More importantly, their symptoms resolve because they are now free of dental infection and chronic unrelenting pain.
Proper cleaning of the teeth requires the full cooperation of the patient so that plaque and tartar can be completely removed. Anesthesia is required to extensively assess the entire mouth and thoroughly clean all teeth surfaces. Many owners have a high degree of anxiety related to general anesthesia for their animals. It is important to understand that delaying proper dental care may seriously compromise your pet’s overall health. At Polo Springs Veterinary Hospital, every one of our patients benefits from the safest anesthetic protocols and advanced monitoring devices utilized at our award-winning hospital. Regardless of whether your pet is having their teeth professionally cleaned, or complex and extensive dental work performed, no corners are cut to ensure the safe and smooth recovery of your family member. To further minimize risk, we also recommend that your pet have a laboratory health screen (available on-site) prior to undergoing anesthesia. On the day of your pet’s procedure, one of our experienced veterinarians is assigned to their team, and along with our support staff, cares for and closely monitors your companion during their entire stay with us.
At Polo Springs, 12 separate procedures are performed for each professional teeth cleaning. For patients with more advanced oral disease, professional periodontal therapy will help resolve their chronic infection and pain. All of our patients also receive intravenous antibiotics, sterile fluids, and pain medications via the placement and maintenance of an intravenous catheter.
Once your companion’s procedure is completed and they are resting comfortably in our recovery area, you will be contacted by their attending veterinarian to discuss the procedure and answer all of your immediate questions. During that time, a discharge appointment will be scheduled for your pet for later that day. Because of our hospital’s expanded hours, your pet will receive the benefit of being closely monitored by our staff for an extended period of time, until they are safely and fully recovered from anesthesia. In addition, many of our clients appreciate our evening hours as they are able to schedule the discharge appointment for a time when it is most convenient for them. At this appointment, we are committed to spending whatever time is necessary to make sure you are fully informed as to the care your companion will require at home. Detailed written instructions are always provided to you as well.
To see how your pet’s mouth scores by doing a quick self-assessment, click here.
Call us at (719) 264-8384 to schedule your pet’s oral health assessment or dental cleaning.